I was reading another blog and saw a neat thing, a posting of favorite rosaries. Well here are my favorite rosaries, I hardly ever go anywhere without them.

If you see me praying the rosary in public, this mission rosary is the one I am likely to be using. I carry it in my right rear pants pocket, and it is my favorite. I used to make mission rosaries, and the first time I prayed the rosary was using a mission rosary.

I am a Redneck by nature, but am Roman Catholic by the grace of God. I love pocket t-shirts and always wear one instead of a regular t-shirt. This rosary is in the t-shirt pocket. I usually use this rosary when I am in bed at night before I go to sleep, I bought it from the Missouri Province of the Jesuits, it is a good well made rosary.

I have been reading "Rosary: Mysteries, Meditations, and the Telling of the Beads" by Kevin Orlin Johnson. Ph.D. It says that even though the Divine Office was prayed, people also prayed the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I was looking in our library this morning and found a copy that I thought had either been lost in a fire or when we moved to Texas. I plan to start this devotion along with the Liturgy of the Hours. As a novice at the LOTH, I have to constantly remind myself to pray it and not to merely read it. Hopefully with experience will come spiritual growth.
I finished a science fiction book last night and have decided to try to not read any books that are not beneficial for my spiritual growth until after the first of the year. I found "The Shoes of the Fisherman" by Morris West in the library also, this book may be questionable as an aid to growth, but I am going to start reading it for my recreational reading.
Pray for me.