Saturday, July 12, 2008


Today I worked in the yard trimming trees. This tree was growing near an old well, and I was concerned that it would break the curb. So I cut it down.

The second photo is how the well looked after the clean up, be easier to mow around. I had been wanting to cut that tree for a while now, it was a sweet gum tree which as far as I am concerned is a weed.

Now the undergrowth under this tree needed cleaning up.

I have no idea what this bush is, but it was in the way. It needed triming up. It is probably also a huge weed, I have yet to see it bloom.

Now this is how it looks all cleaned up. -------------------->

Here are some of my tools for yardwork, if you notice you will see that most of the tools are made by Fiskars. I am hooked on their tools they are all quality. I hope to buy more in the future.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July in Bald Knob, Arkansas

My wife and I went with my Uncle and His wife to Bald Knob, Arkansas for the Fourth of July. We went to a Penecostal Church for their Fellowship Friday. There was plenty of good food. I believe the people there are good, sincere, Christians. If you are ever up that way you should stop in and visit with them. It was the first time I had been to a Penecostal service. I did enjoy the fellowship and preaching. There were pastors from Penecostal Churches from all around the area. Their first friday meetings rotate from church to church. The next fellowship meeting in Bald Knob will be in about four months.