Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What I am reading.

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, I am reading this for fun. It is one of my wife's and it looks interesting. I have read another book by Barbara Kingsolver called Prodigal Summer, I thought it was decent.

Rosary Mysteries, Meditations, and the Telling of the Beads by Kevin Orlin Johnson, Ph.D. This is an excellent book, everyone who prays the rosary should have a copy of this book. I read it a few years ago and took it down to re-read. I am reading it slowly and looking up all references on the internet.

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis. I have almost read this book, I have had it for years and never had read it. Now I understand why is it the most published or sold book after the Holy Bible. I highly recommend it, but get the copy published by Catholic Book Publishing.

Deep Conversion Deep Prayer by Fr. Thomas Dubay, S.M. This is an excellent book, I have read about half of it, and I think I need to read more books by Fr. Dubay. There is an excellent series of talks he does about St. John of the Cross currently available for download for free at
I have downloaded it and put in on my ipod.

Enough for now.
Peace be with you.

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