Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Morning

It is a sunny day. Rain has been forecast for Thursday. The driveway is still wet from the rain yesterday. I have been having bouts with depression in the mornings. I am fine when I get up but by about 9 to 10 a.m., I am in full depression mode. After lunch I am usually fine for the rest of the day. I wonder if it is dietary? What am I eating or failing to eat that may be causing this?
Today is the Sunday for my wife to cook sausage and biscuits for Cowboy Church. There was drama again with the coffee machine. Last week the old coffee machine quit working, this week the new coffee machine did not work properly. I am sure it will be fixed by next Sunday, which is the fifth Sunday of the month. I like Fifth Sunday, because I love to eat and on Fifth Sunday there is a potluck dinner after the regular church service. (For people not from the rural south, dinner = lunch, supper = dinner, we dine at noon, and sup at dusk.)

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